Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why I started this blog

I have been interested in writing a blog, but never knew how to begin until I started a course on a yahoo group with EVO 2011 at the following link: http://evosessions.pbworks.com/w/page/10708567/FrontPage. The first week our assignment was to learn how to make a blog and other Web 2.0 tools to use in a classroom setting or with online teaching. I am excited to learn about blogging and other resources available for teaching my students. I need to be prepared in order to show my students the benefits of using these tools in helping them to learn English at a level that is up to date with the technology in schools and in businesses. In the last week I have learned alot of new technology and hope to learn more in the future. If any teachers out there are in the same situation as me or if you are a pro at technology use in the classroom, feel free to add your comments here to start a discussion for all teachers and learners to gain an understanding of the possible benefits when learning to use online tools.


  1. Hi Darlene, long time no hear from you! I hope you are doing great! Pretty nice blog, and like the saying goes "it is never too late to learn new things"

    keep it up dear friend!

    For blog tips click here :)

  2. Darlene -
    Great that you have jumped right in with the Week 1 tasks in R&P session. When I took my first EVO session, I also started my first blog and wrote about my learning experiences along the way. It's a great way to document your own learning.
    I look forward to reading your new blog! :)
    EVO Mentor 2011

  3. Hi, Lovely Darlene.
    I like the image of the background. The color and design of your blog are simple but very nice~~ :-) I like it~ I hope you will keep taking care of this blog and share our information and our thoughts through your blog.
    Go for it~ :D
    Bye~ See you someday in Canada and in Korea, too. Take care.

  4. Hi Darlene,

    Congratulations on having the new blog! "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". So I guess this blog is the first step in the long journey as an educator. I came across this blog article that might be of interest to you:

    I look forward to reading your article and sharing resources.

  5. Congrats, Darlene, on your first blogpost!!!

    I especially like the theme of your blog and the things you've done with the layout :-)

    As a fellow participant in baw2011, I'm looking forward to reading your posts and learning with you.


  6. Thanks all of you who have checked out and/or commented on my blog. Also, thanks Karim for the links to other good learning sites. I will check them out.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Darlene!! Thanks for having been my 1st follower!!! Like you, I'm learning all about this via Baw2011!!!
    And as you can see, I don't know what I clicked that I deleted my other post! Sorry for this!!
    Smiles from Argentina, Maria :)

  9. Hello, Darlene !!!
    One thing unites us - I am a kind of a "native" because I live in the vast Russian Siberia and belong to the nationality called "Sakha-Yakut", you easily can find everything about my people if to Google "Yakutia" or "Yakut".
    Your bright Blog has encouraged me to do my first steps in blogging !
    Victor from Siberia
