Saturday, September 27, 2014

Too long since my last post

Hello to all who may have passed by this blog at one time. As you can see, I have not kept up with my first attempt at blogging. However, I have been busy teaching English and since last year I have been using blogs with my grade 5 students who I tutor. We started out using Kidblog, but this year we will switch to Weebly for Education in order to give students a chance to create their own site with more available options and an easier user interface. Here is a video that will help teachers set up their own class website and blogs for students.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

From The Eyes of Students

While researching teaching methodologies and approaches to learning I came across this video. No words spoken, yet such a profound message to teachers, professors, instructors and facilitators. The content we choose, how we present it to our learners and how we involve them in the process of learning will make or break a students success in learning.  Are we a "Sage on the Stage" or a "Guide on the Side"?